Sep 27, 2024
Ever wanted to share your screen activity alongside your live reactions? Let's use Cursor AI code editor to create a screencast app.
The Screencast App is a versatile tool that lets you record your screen and webcam simultaneously or individually. Whether you're creating tutorials, presentations, or collaborating with others, this app makes capturing and sharing content straightforward and efficient.
- Record screen and camera simultaneously
- Download recorded videos
Live Demo
You can access and use the Screencast App at
Source Code
The source code for the Screencast App is available on GitHub. You can find the repository here.
AI Prompt
This project was created using Cursor, an AI code editor. The initial prompt for AI was:
- I want to create a screen and camera recorder that allows me to record my screen and camera simultaneously.
- I want to be able to download the recorded videos separately after stopping the recording.
- The UI should contain 3 buttons to start recording screen, camera and both.
- After stopping the recording, a download button should show up. It can download the appropriate video based on the recording type, and download both if the recording type is both.
- There should be a video element to show the recording screen.
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