Nov 09, 2021

Study what others ignore, and learn how others fail.

Tao Te Ching, Lao Tse, 500BC


春秋战国 老子 《道德经》

Since early October 2021, we have been regularly conducting mock system design interviews online. Every Sunday since then, more than 100 engineers have joined us. These events have given us ways to develop our design skills and opportunities to find ways to improve ourselves when communicating under time pressure. We learned a few lessons along the way.

The usual steps for a system design interview are:

Under time pressure, interviewees have often skipped some details, but the missing information cost them even more time during the interview. I highlighted them in the following diagram using green boxes:

three steps

Here are the lessons that we learned.

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Ming Dao School uses 1-1 coaching and group events to help high-tech professionals grow their careers and handle career transitions.

If you like to join our upcoming mock system design interview events or other coaching programs, please contact us on LinkedIn.